CHS Global Director

Posted by The Cornell Hotel Society (CHS) on 06/06/2024

General Information

Nomination start - 07/02/2024
Nomination end - 08/11/2024
Process for Filling Position: Submission of a nomination
Number of Seats: 5
Location: Non-geographically based
Eligible Constituent(s): Alumni

Summary of Position

The focus of the CHS Global Board Director is to ensure CHS continues to strengthen and develop its role in the alumni community through evaluation, development, and support of the current and future programs and processes of CHS. These individuals are elected by CHS Membership based on nominations at large, resulting in a slate of candidates vetted by the nominating committee. Broad perspectives and diverse representation, including geography, generation, ethnicity, and gender, are considered in the process. The Board of Directors comprises the pool from which the CHS Global Board selects and fills vacant positions (e.g. 2nd V.P.) Position description:

Cornell Interests:


Peter and Stephanie Nolan School of Hotel Administration

Talent Expectations: Skills


Serve on a Committee or Board
Goals and Responsibilities: The Directors' duties will be strategic and focused on long-term initiatives and governance. Directors are encouraged to be a member of one of the CHS Global Committees and/or become engaged to support projects. Ongoing Responsibilities: ● Provide support and guidance to the board President and Vice Presidents. ● Evaluate current programs and processes in place that drive the activities of the organization. Terms would be staggered 1-3 years.

Responsible Contact

Contact Name:
Susan Boyle
Volunteer Position Title:
Executive Director
Email: Phone:

Time Commitment

Average Time Commitment: 3-5 hrs/month
Duration: Not Applicable
Term of Office: 3 years
Number of terms in Office: Not Applicable


Prerequisites Directors must be alumni from degree programs (BS, MPS, or MMH) at Nolan School of Hotel Administration. Additional considerations include if the candidate is a dues-paid member of the CHS, has an active profile in the CHS Lobby, is an active member of the CHS community by attending Hotelie events, and has ideally held (or is holding) a leadership role within the CHS at the regional or chapter level.

Hiatus Required? No hiatus required
Dues Required? Yes


Meeting Attendance Required? Yes

Meeting Location(s):
On Campus: No
Off Campus: Yes
Off Campus Location: Attends four (4) quarterly board meetings annually, three virtual and one in-person at the New York City Annual Meeting in November. If needed, a travel stipend will be available for the in-person meeting in NYC.
Conference Call: Yes
Meetings per year: 4x year

Other Meeting Details: Attends in-person annual meeting in NYC and participates in local chapter and regional activities where possible.

Yearly Philanthropic Expectation:

Make a gift to Cornell at a level of individual comfort

Alumni Trustee Election

Vote in the annual trustee election